Quarterly Parkinson's Webinars
As part of the Quarterly Parkinson's Webinar Series, delivered by Journal of Parkinson's Disease and Cure Parkinson's, the discussion of specific research topics is brought into the open. Recordings of previous webinars are available via this page.
May 13, 2024: Webinar #18
Inflammation & Parkinson's > Watch the recording!
This hour-long webinar is for the Parkinson’s community and allows the opportunity to hear first-hand from experts in the field, to learn more about the underlying mechanisms of Parkinson's and progress being made within the research arena.
The panel of experts, including Professor Malu Tansey, Dr Kirsten Scott, and Alison Anderson discuss inflammation and its role in Parkinson's as well as recent advances in clinical trials within this field of research.
You can view a recording of the webinar now at: Watch online today!
March 6, 2024: Webinar #17
Diet and the gut vs the brain > Watch the recording!
This webinar focuses on the relationship between the gut and nutrition and Parkinson’s, and the emerging understanding of how the gut-brain connection has a role in Parkinson’s progression.
You can view a recording of the webinar now at: Watch online today!
Sep 25, 2023: Webinar #16
World Parkinson Congress 2023 Highlights > Watch the recording!
During this webinar, chaired by The University of Edinburgh’s Professor Tilo Kunath, we hear from four panellists about their time at the World Parkinson Congress (WPC). The World Parkinson Congress (WPC) is a meeting held every 4 years that brings together scientists and researchers, people living with Parkinson’s and their loved ones, and clinicians and healthcare professionals.
You can view a recording of the webinar now at: Watch online today!
Sep 11, 2023: Webinar #15
Clinical Trials Targeting Alpha-Synuclein > Watch the recording!
Presented by Edinburgh University, Journal of Parkinson’s Disease and Cure Parkinson’s, the latest instalment of this quarterly webinar series discussed clinical trials targeting alpha-synuclein, with Edinburgh University’s Professor Tilo Kunath as chair.
You can view a recording of the webinar now at: Watch online today!
December 8, 2021: Webinar #14
Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) > Watch the recording!
The latest webinar on Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) took place on December 8, 2021. The discussion was chaired by Patrik Brundin (Van Andel Institute, USA) in conversation with: Helen Bronte-Stewart, MD, MS (Stanford University, USA); Tom Foltynie, MD, PhD (University College London, UK); Aryn H. Gittis, PhD (Carnegie Mellon University, USA); and David Jones, a pharma entrepreneur who has undergone DBS in the UK. The discussion focused on global research around new DBS approaches and targets.
You can view a recording of the webinar now at: Watch online today!
August 4, 2021: Webinar #13
Genetic Markers and the Progression of Parkinson's > Watch the recording!
The webinar on Genetic Markers and the Progression of Parkinson's took place on August 4, 2021. The discussion was chaired by Patrik Brundin (Van Andel Institute, USA) in conversation with Mark R. Cookson (NIH, USA) (investigator of the effects of mutations associated with PD on protein function), Clemens Scherzer (Harvard) (investigating PD through genetics and big data), Stephen Mullin (University of Plymouth, UK) (researching the genetic and clinical stratification of the risk of PD), and advocate for research Jessi Keavney (USA) (carrier of the LRRK2 mutation).
You can view a recording of the webinar now at: Watch online today!
March 31, 2021: Webinar #12
Young Onset Parkinson's > Watch the recording!
On March 31, 2021, there was a webinar on the topic of: Young Onset Parkinson's. Panelists included chair Patrik Brundin (Van Andel Institute, USA), researchers Bart Post (Radboud Institute of Health, NL), Rodolfo Savica (Mayo Clinic, USA), and Sara Bandres Ciga (NIH, USA), and patient views from Veerle Aertsen (Belgian advocate and contributor to EUPATI).
You can view a recording of the webinar now at: Watch online today!
January 13, 2021: Webinar #11
Coronavirus and Parkinson's Webinar > Watch the recording!
View the recording of the webinar on the topic of: Coronavirus and Parkinson's that took place on January 13, 2021 with the chair Patrik Brundin from Van Andel Institute, USA, joined by: Alfonso Fasano (University of Toronto, Canada); David Beckham (University of Colorado, USA); and Soania Mathur (retired family physician based in Toronto, Canada). The discussion was focused around recent publications highlighting research into COVID-19 and Parkinson's.
You can view a recording of the webinar now at: Watch online today!
September 2, 2020: Webinar #10
Prodromal Parkinson's Webinar >
View the webinar that was on the topic of: Prodromal Parkinson's. It took place on Wed 2 Sep with the chair Patrik Brundin from Van Andel Institute, USA, joined by: Daniela Berg (University of Kiel, Germany); Philip Hebert( retired from University of Toronto, Canada); and Alastair Noyce (Queen Mary University of London, UK). The discussion focused around Prodromal Parkinson's, which refers to the stage at which individuals do not fulfil diagnostic criteria for PD but do exhibit signs and symptoms that indicate a higher than average risk of receiving a diagnosis of PD in the future.
Watch the recording of webinar #10 on the IOS Press channel on YouTube, or watch by clicking below.
June 3, 2020: Webinar #9
Neurotrophic Factors and Parkinson's Webinar
Webinar on the topic of: Neurotrophic Factors and Parkinson's. It took place on Wed 3 Jun with the eminent panel: Patrik Brundin (chair) from Van Andel Institute, USA; Howard Federoff from Aspen Neuroscience, USA; Mart Saarma from University of Helsinki, Finland; and CPT trustee Lyndsey Isaac from the UK. The discussion was focused around the findings of a workshop that was held in 2019 and the results of which that were published recently in a GDNF consensus paper in JPD (view the press release about this paper here).
Watch the recording of webinar #9 on the IOS Press channel on YouTube, or watch by clicking below.
March 3, 2020: Webinar #8
Inflammation and Parkinson's Webinar
Watch the webinar was on the topic of: Inflammation & Its Role in Parkinson's. It took place on Tue 3 Mar with the eminent panel: Patrik Brundin (chair) from Van Andel Institute, USA; Roger Barker (clinical expertise) from the University of Cambridge, UK; Ashley Harms (pre-clinical expertise) from UAB, US; and Richelle Flanagan (Parkinson's advocate and a PwP, with an interest in inflammation and previous experience as a dietician) from Ireland.
Watch the recording of webinar #8 on the IOS Press channel on YouTube, or watch below.
January 8, 2020: Webinar #7
Excercise and Parkinson’s Webinar
The webinar in this quarterly series took place on Wed 8 Jan and as on the topic of Excercise and Parkinson’s. The eminent panel, once again chaired by Van Andel Institute’s Professor Patrik Brundin, comprises clinical expertise from Professor Bas Bloem (Radboud University Medical Centre, the Netherlands), pre-clinical expertise from Dr Michael Jakowec (University of Southern California, USA), and patient views from Professor Karen Raphael, an epidemiological research scientist (New York University School of Medicine, USA).
Watch the recording of webinar #7 on the IOS Press channel on YouTube, or watch below.
October 2019: Webinar #6
Dyskinesia in Parkinson’s Webinar
The webinar, on Oct 2, was on the topic of Dyskinesia in Parkinson’s. The eminent panel, once again chaired by Van Andel Institute’s Patrik Brundin, comprised clinical expertise from Ray Chaudhuri (Kings College, London, UK) and Robert Hauser (University of South Florida, USA), pre-clinical insights from Angela Cenci Nilsson (Lund University, Sweden), and patient views from Martin Taylor, founder of the Parkinson’s Research Interest Group on Facebook (UK).
The discussion focused on publications in the field, in particular the recent open access JPD paper "Clinical Trials Hilghights: Dyskinesia" by Kevin McFarthing, Neha Prakash, and Tanya Simuni, which can be read at:
Watch the recording of webinar #6 on the IOS Press channel on YouTube, or watch below.
June 2019: Webinar #5
Stem Cells (Cell Replacement Therapy) Webinar
The webinar on the topic "Stem Cells in Parkinson's (Cell Replacement Therapy)" took place on June 12 with panelists Roger Barker (University of Cambridge, UK), Claire Henchcliffe (Weill Cornell Medical College, USA) and Gaynor Edwards (East Sussex, UK) joining our regular host Patrik Brundin (Van Andel Research Institute, USA).
The discussion focused on publications in the field of dopamine replacement cell therapy for Parkinson's. It is topical and timely following the meeting that was held in April 2019 with an international panel of stem cell researchers at the annual "G-Force-PD meeting" that was hosted by Prof. Barker in Cambridge, UK. This event brought together researchers leading the dopamine replacement cell therapy clinical trials.
Watch the recording of webinar #5 on the IOS Press channel on YouTube, or watch below.
March 2019: Webinar #4
Sleep & Parkinson's Webinar
The March webinar was a great success and a full house! All the more reason to be sure you sign up for our newsletter to be in with a chance of watch the next webinar live-and-as-it-happens, so you can submit questions and interact with the panel.
Webinar #4 took place on March 6, 2019 and the discussion was on the topic: "Sleep and Parkinson's disease". The host was JPD Editor-in-Chief Patrik Brundin and fellow panelists included: –Jerrah Holth from Washington University School of Medicine, USA; –Michele Hu from the Oxford Parkinson's Disease Centre, UK; –Soania Mathur, speaker, writer and Parkinson's advocate from Canada; and –Aleksandar Videnovic from Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, USA. The discussion covered: –What "sleep" is from a medical standpoint, and how it can be distrupted in PD
–Whether sleep deprivation/disturbances can, in turn, impact other symptoms of PD
–Sleep disorders as a predictor of neurodegenerative diseases
–Whether sleep disorders are driving or are a trigger of PD.
The research in the following papers were also discussed: –"The sleep–wake cycle regulates brain interstitial fluid tau in mice and CSF tau in humans" (published in Science on February 22, 2019); and
–The recent study "Risk and predictors of dementia and parkinsonism in idiopathic REM sleep behaviour disorder" (published in Brain on March 1, 2019).
View the webinar #4 recording on the IOS Press channel on YouTube, or watch below.
December 2018: Webinar #3
The third webinar was a great success and a full house! All the more reason to be sure you sign up for our newsletter to be in with a chance of watch the next webinar live-and-as-it-happens, so you can submit questions and interact with the panel!
It took place on December 5, 2018 and the discussion was on the topic: 'Therapies targeting the genetics of Parkinson's disease’. The host was JPD Editor-in-Chief Patrik Brundin and fellow panellists included: Ron N. Alcalay; Ziv Gan-Or; Benjamin Stecher; Gaurav Gupta; and Jonathan Silverstein. The discussion focused on three recent research studies.
View the webinar #3 recording on the IOS Press channel on YouTube, or watch below.
September 2018: Webinar #2
The topic of the second webinar in the series, which took place on September 20, 2018, was: 'How does Parkinson's disease begin?’ The host was JPD Editor-in-Chief Patrik Brundin and his fellow panellists included Dr Viviane LaBrie, Dr Filip Scheperjans and Dr Jon Stamford. The discussion focused on the 2017 paper by Per Borghammer entitled: “How does Parkinson's disease begin? Perspectives on neuroanatomical pathways, prions, and histology".
View the webinar #2 recording on the IOS Press channel on YouTube, or watch below.
June 2018: Webinar #1
The first webinar in our quarterly series took place on June 19, 2018. The topic for discussion was: "Does exenatide reduce non-motor symptoms in Parkinson’s disease?” The webinar was chaired by JPD Editor-in-Chief Patrik Brundin and joined by fellow panellists: Tom Foltynie from UCL in London, who let the exenatide trial; Nigel Greig and Dimitrios Kapogiannis from the NIA (National Institute of Aging); and exenatide trial participant Penny Kustow. To read our news item about the webinar, go here; and to view the recording of webinar #1, click below.
Webinars Background
Early in 2018, JPD began working in partnership with The Cure Parkinson's Trust (CPT) to provide information about breaking research news to be featured on the new web portal for people with Parkinson’s (PwPs) called Parkinson’s Movement: Parkinson’s Movement strives to strengthen the position of Parkinson's as a health priority globally: "By providing a genuine, powerful tool for driving change, we can inform and influence the agenda of the wider Parkinson’s community." One section of the site is dedicated to sifting through recent research in order to concisely capture a snapshot of the science and translate it to deliver better understanding for all. Assessing the impact of published PD-related research is done through a panel of experts, researchers and PwPs. Providing invaluable perspective, these panel members rate papers according to their impact and relevance, so that patients can be informed how relevant the latest PD scientific research news actually is. The JPD scientific panel consists of JPD Editor-in-Chief Patrik Brundin and a number of members of the JPD Editorial Board. Communicating about research is a vital aspect of creating awareness. The Parkinson's Movement website features research articles that hit the news and it particularly focuses on debunking myths, balancing over hyped headlines and ensuring the research is placed in context. A number of published JPD papers have already been the focus of attention and a new JPD research study about exenatide was also under scrutiny at the launch of the Quarterly Parkinson's Webinar Series; view the recording from the webinar above. By bringing the discussion of specific research topics into the open, the whole process of rating research will become even more transparent. For details about how to be involved in future webinars, please get in touch: Mbr />
Update: In early 2021, CPT rebranded to Cure Parkinson's and the work of Parkinson's Movement has been incorporated within the parent organization.
Non-Webinar Content: Video Archive
April 2013:
Watch JPD editorial board member Andres Lozano, MD, PhD (University of Toronto, Canada) discussing seep brain stimulation and looking at emerging techniques in which a woman with Parkinson's instantly stops shaking and brain areas eroded by Alzheimer's are brought back to life (filmed at TEDxCaltech).