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14 February 2019

Can We Repair the Brain? The Promise of Stem Cell Technologies for Treating Parkinson's Disease

Amsterdam, NL – Cell replacement may play an increasing role in alleviating the motor symptoms of Parkinson's disease in future. Writing in a special open access special supplement to the Journal of Parkinson's Disease, experts describe how newly developed stem cell technologies could be used to treat the disease and discuss the great promise, as well as the significant challenges, of stem cell treatment.

12 February 2019

The Search for the Holy Grail: Promising Strategies for Slowing, Stopping, or Reversing Parkinson's Disease

Amsterdam, NL – Understanding of the processes involved in Parkinson's disease (PD) degeneration has vastly improved over the last 20 years. In this insightful review published in an open access special supplement to the Journal of Parkinson's Disease, experts consider which of the existing strategies to slow down or stop the degenerative processes of PD are most likely to be successful over the next 20 years.


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